Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Situational Analysis on Marsha Warrens Case Essay

A Situational Analysis on Marsha Warrens Case - Essay ExampleIn environmental control, the exercise of undue disciplinary actions may sound sensible, entirely it can establish restrictive academic atmosphere, arresting learning at the expense of highly reactive students. Indicatively, in the case drive of Marsha Warren, despite application of contingent article of belief and management strategies, there are still manifestations of setbacks, not only on the part of the students, but also in the instructors classroom management. Although the students behavioral and learning problems are computer addresss of class disruptions, the teachers personal attitude towards their academic functions may worsen the uncontrollable situations.In environmental control, the exercise of excessive disciplinary actions may sound sensible, but it can establish restrictive academic atmosphere, arresting learning at the expense of highly reactive students. Indicatively, in the case study of Marsha War ren, despite application of contingent teaching and management strategies, there are still manifestations of setbacks, not only on the part of the students, but also in the instructors classroom management. Although the students behavioral and learning problems are sources of class disruptions, the teachers personal attitude towards their academic functions may worsen the uncontrollable situations. Dealing with thorny students in heterogeneous groups can be tasking to patience and efforts of every instructor. In the case of Warren, several dilemmas have piled up, instigating sparks of hostility in learning and social interaction. For one, the source of disruptive behavior has not been dealt with accordingly. With the narrowed focus on bad behavior, other important aspects of the disruptive problems have been neglectfully addressed (Goldstein, 2007, p. 4). The instructor in the paper keeps placing punishing consequences on the delinquent acts of the students, never reflecting on imp lication of consecutive reprimands on childrens social conditioning. Active interaction is severely hampered through this restrictive management form, reducing motivations on students learning desires.In relation, while the lack of insight on how to classroom conflicts is rampant, abject competency in teaching and handling a classroom conflict is questioned.

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